Frasso Sabino
Frasso Sabino deve forse il suo nome al latino fraxum, posto di guardia, per la sua collocazione geografica. Dell’età romana conserva la misteriosa Grotta dei Masacci, dell’epoca medievale il superbo Castello Sforza-Cesarini, del patrimonio ambientale le spettacolari gole del Farfa
4,39 km²
412 m
Where is it?
Frasso Sabino is a medieval village of 745 inhabitants, situated on the left bank of the Farfa River, on the southern foothills of the Monti Sabini at 412 m. above sea level. It is about 20 km. away from Rieti and 59 km. from Rome, to which it is connected through the consular Via Salaria that crosses its nearby most populous hamlet, Osteria Nuova.
What to see?
The Sforza-Cesarini Castle stands out for its size and beauty, with its angular cylindrical tower adorned with corbels. Over the time the original structure has been remodeled several times without however losing its artistic and architectural value. Also worth visiting is the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli originally consisting of three aisles, whose original construction dates back to early 13th century. The right aisle wa walled in the 17th century and transformed into a series of funeral chapels that were annexed to the cemetery adjacent to the church. The 15th-century frescoes preserved inside are of remarkable workmanship. Today the church is used as an Auditorium for cultural activities. Frasso preserves, in addition to a series of tombs, the Grotta dei Masacci, a Roman burial dating back to the 2nd century AD, declared a monument of national interest in 1916. The cave consists of huge overlapping limestone blocks stacked to dry. The burial chamber, covered with travertine slabs, was accessed through a long corridor covered with megalithic blocks forming a vault. The square room is covered by a cross vault. In the walls there are three niches that housed sarcophagi. Another attraction of Frasso is the Virginio Cesarini Astronomical Observatory, located in an old renovated mill of the 18th century. This complex houses a permanent astronomical exhibition, a planetarium and a Cassegrain telescope equipped with a main mirror of 368.3 mm. The observatory is accredited by the Minor Planet Center for the discovery of two asteroids made between 2000 and 2010., The Farfa springs in the "Le Capore" area of Frasso represent the best solution for visitors loving relaxation and walks in nature. The Farfa river is particularly cold because of its considerable impetuosity that gives water an almost white colour, in particular circumstances. For this reason in summer, due to its freshness and wide pebble banks, the stream also becomes a popular bathing place.