
Collevecchio, one of the most beautiful and lively villages in Sabina, was a fief of popes and lords and the seat of the papal governorship for two centuries. Its hills, palaces, churches, convents, as well as a theatre, make it an interesting place to visit and appreciate.




27 km²


245 m

Where is it?

Collevecchio, inhabited by 1,550 people, rises almost at, 245 meters above sea level. It is located at the western end of the province of Rieti, not far from Umbria, 46 km. away from Rieti and 60 km. from Rome and is also served by the Fiumicino Airport-Orte railway line.

Its origins?

The first evidence of human presence in the territory of Collevecchio dates back to the Paleolithic and the numerous remains found in the area demonstrate that, ove the centuries, many people settled there, until the advent of the Sabines and after the Roman occupation. In the Sabino-Tiberina necropolis of Poggio Sommavilla a flask has been found, bearing an inscription that is considered the oldest example of Sabine writing. The remains found in this area in the mid-1980s are exhibited in important museums in Boston and Copenhagen, as well as in the civic museums of Rieti and Magliano Sabina. In imperial Roman times, in the second half of the 1st century AD, the territory was subjected to the municipality  of Forum Novum; the Christianization and the continuous incursions by the Germanic peoples, that caused the collapse of the Roman Empire, favored the phenomenon of the fortification also in Collevecchio, through the re-use of existing Roman structures. On 10 December 1253, Pope Innocent IV authorised the Mozzanesi to move to Castrum Vetulum, the current historic centre of Collevecchio. Later on, 1368, the village became a fief of the Orsini family. However, Collevecchio owes its development to Paul V Borghese who, in 1605, assigned a Papal Governor to Sabina, whose seat was established in Collevecchio, and since then the village the seat of the Papal Court, receiving a series of benefits on the administrative, economic and cultural level. During the post-imperial Napoleonic restoration, in 1816, Collevecchio had 475 inhabitants and was included in the district of Poggio Mirteto, where the seat of the apostolic governorate was transferred. During the Risorgimento, the popular insurrection of 1848 forced Pope Pius IX to flee Rome, leading to the collapse of the Papal State, of which Collevecchio was part. Following the plebiscite held on 4 November 1860, the Municipality became part of the Kingdom of Italy and was included in the province of Perugia; in 1923 it passed to the Province of Rome until 1927, when it was annexed to the new establiashed province of Rieti.

What to see?

A Collevecchio si arriva percorrendo l’antica via Lambruschina, dal nome del cardinale artefice del suo ampliamento per poi raggiungere la piazza centrale del paese, dove si trova la Collegiata dell’Annunziata e soprattutto il Palazzo del Governatore Apostolico, già residenza degli Orsini, scelto nel 1605 da Paolo V Borghese come sede del governatorato sabino. Sul prospetto principale si possono ammirare fregi riconducibili ai Papi che si sono succeduti dalla fine del Cinquecento ai primi del Settecento. Accanto al Palazzo del Governatore il Papa fece edificare le carceri, mentre Palazzo Floridi, il cui nucleo originale risale al 1283, tra il Seicento e il Settecento ospitò il Tribunale pontificio. Degli stretti rapporti tra Papa e Governatore beneficiò l’intero paese che godette per due secoli di un notevole sviluppo economico e culturale. Ne sono la prova i palazzi gentilizi che il territorio di Collevecchio conserva – oltre a quelli già citati Palazzo Coperchio-Piacentini, Palazzo Pistolini – il convento francescano realizzato sulle rovine di altre piccole chiese con il contributo fattivo della popolazione e consacrato nel 1614 dal vescovo di Nardi monsignor Beroli: i frati cappuccini vi hanno vissuto fino alla metà degli anni Sessanta del Novecento. Attualmente è di proprietà privata ed è utilizzato come struttura ricettiva e per per iniziative culturali. Da visitare anche le frazioni di Collevecchio: Poggio Sommavilla, con la sua area archeologica riferibile a una necropoli Sabino-Tiberina e il castello degli Orsini, di cui sopravvivono portico, loggiato e portale di ingresso ad arco, e Cicignano, borgo che ha esso stesso l’aspetto del castello medievale, con una cinta muraria davvero ben conservata. 

Where to stay?


B&B Il Casale il Chiacchierino
B&B La Casata
Azienda Agricola Corlando Tre – Relais Campagna

Where to eat?

Restaurants and pizzerias

Bar – Trattoria il Rifugio Laguna

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